Teenage Acne: Tame The Monster by Rubina Guleria, Cosmetology Expert
- Hormones: The onset of puberty puts your hormones on overdrive. They affect your mood, body and noticeably, your face. The severity of the acne varies from person to person but be rest assured that 80% of people face adolescent acne. It's predominantly present in the back, chest, forehead, cheeks and chin. Mood swings are another common outward sign of hormone imbalance. Do you have mood swings?
Hygiene: Hormones make our glands over-active and skin sluggish from oil
build up. With the hectic life of a teenager: party, school, friends, calls, hanging out… (we get your busy schedule) hygiene can take a backseat. Are you bathing twice daily? Washing your hair every two days? Changing your sheets every week? The overdrive of hormones and oils means your skin is more prone to clogging. A missed bath means a whole day’s pollution piled on your face, clogging pores, trapping dirt and irritating your skin's natural pH balance. Dirty hair results in oily streaks trickling over to the forehead area and blocking pores. And unclean sheets are a hotbed of bacteria that can infect the skin easily. How do you practice good hygiene?
- Hands: An average person touches their face once every 10 minutes. And what’s on your hands will reach your face! When did you last wash your hands? After playing basketball? After using the restroom? After shaking hands? After a game of cricket? Washing hands lowers our chances of contracting surface bacteria by 80%. How often do you wash your hands?
Water: Water helps us digest food better and flush out toxin build-up from our bodies. Toxin build-up happens due to sluggish
digestion, fast food intake and insufficient hydration. Toxins in our bodies further upset the hormone balance resulting in aggressive spikes. which can make acne worse. As an active teen, one needs almost 10 glasses of water everyday. Water will keep your skin hydrated, which will make it more systematic in shedding and regenerating new, fresh skin cells giving you a smoother, glowing skin. It improves digestion, which helps regulate weight as well as keep your body toxin-free. Give it a try for 2 months and watch your skin begin to change.
- Wash: Wash your hands, sheets, close contact linen, spectacles regularly to keep bacteria from building up. Clean your headset, mobile, bag with a good cleansing product. Practicing cleanliness is a sure way to keep bacteria from multiplying on your body and especially in the face region.
- Win: Win over acne by changing your attitude about it. Remember it’s a passing phase. A few zits may get you down before a special day but no one will remember them when you get past adolescence. Zits will be the stuff of jokes to remember your adolescence years by. Focus on what you can control more easily: your performance, your attitude and remember to have fun.
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